Tuesday, July 31, 2018

It's Okay


Sun every day makes a desert

Be careful with those smiles

The ones you hide behind

Tears can heal you

Just like the storm that comes in

And washes everything clean.

Monday, July 30, 2018

To Know The Worst


I need to know what its like
To stand in the dark with you
Before I can know if I want
To stand in the light with you

Friday, July 27, 2018


You know someone
By how they live with their demons
Everything else they do
Is just getting by.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

I'm Coming Back For You


At night
Alone in the dark
I knew who I was and who I had once been
I knew I’d gotten lost –
Was still lost –
But if I lay very still
And very quiet
I could feel the strength of the girl I used to be
And in those moments
I knew she was coming back for me

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

The Real You


I don’t know

It seems there must be

A much more honest way

For you to get what you want

You tell all these girls

They are the one -

The answer to your dreams

You wine and dine them

Sweep them off their feet

And you promise them

All the pretty things

Just like you know they would

(For how could they resist)

They fall for you

And even though you rationalize

Everyone got what they wanted

It’s a lie

I watch you do this over and over

And wonder if you ever question

How things could be if

You just stop hiding

And be yourself

They don’t need your empty words

They don’t want to fall in love

With an illusion

You are enough

The real you

I’ve seen you

You are good enough


Monday, July 16, 2018

Stolen Peace

I couldn't think
My mind wouldn't settle
You spoke every given thought
Your personality so loud
So evasive
It didn't leave room
For mine

And I understand
You shouldn't have to compromise
To accommodate me
I wasn't asking you to be less
Or become smaller
I was asking you 
To make space for both of us.

Thursday, July 12, 2018



While he was asleep
Every breath was ragged and swollen
It seemed his dreams
Were competing with life.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018


I liked your face
I was drawn to your eyes
Because they were kind and soft
We talked about our days
Our first kiss was quick and light
Barely a whisper
Before you turned and walked away
The sparks came later
When I thought about it in the dark

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Like A Bug

I don't think you did it on purpose
But you crushed me
And for the first time
I thought about all the bugs
I'd squashed 
Never giving them a second thought
Just knowing I had to get rid of them

That's when I realized
You were afraid of me
Afraid of how I made you feel
Afraid that we were so far into this thing
You wouldn't be able to find your way out
And it wasn't that you didn't care about me
You just cared about yourself more.

Love Anyway

I feel all broken today
I want to hide away
Where no one can reach me
Where I'll be safe
But then you told me I should meet with you 
And I felt a little less broken
- Flirtyburtie

"Don’t be afraid to fall in love
It’s the only thing that matters in life
The only thing – do you understand what I’m telling you
You just fall in love with as many things as possible."
Kelly Cantor – Country Strong