Monday, August 19, 2019

All The Chances In The World

You were a gentle hand on the small of my back and a sober truth
A fragile man child, a gooey marshmallow
You were a soft whisper and the promise of breathtaking love

But there was a flip side

You were also a strutting peacock and a brooding hot mess
A raging bull, a scorpion waiting to sting
You were a glint of menace and a smashed bottle in a bar fight

It was the second guy who stole all our chances

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Or Not

I'm not even worried
About what you're doing
Or who you're doing it with
Because when the time's right
You'll be doing it with me
Or not

Friday, August 9, 2019

It's Your Fault

Today, I'm sad
I'm stuck
My head is noisy with you
But you're not saying anything

The quiet
Is heavy and dull
Sitting across my chest
Pulling on my bones
Leaving me exhausted

You'll never talk to me
The way I want

And that's why I can't let you in